Book Release: "What is the Reality of Ghazwa-E-Hind?"

Book Release Ceremony

Book Release Ceremony

Book Release: "What is the Reality of Ghazwa-E-Hind?"

Book Release: "What is the Reality of Ghazwa-E-Hind?"

About Us

The critical period that our beautiful country, India is going through is not hidden from anyone. India is a land of religious, linguistic, and cultural diversity and is identified with unity in diversity. Every period in the history of this great country is full of examples of philanthropy. India has always witnessed that the salvation of the inhabitants of the earth is in love.

It is quite unfortunate that today the social intimacy is turning into distances. Most of the people of this country are not ready to be a part of this disagreement and segregation. When the overwhelming majority remains silent, its existence turns into non-existence. These days most people remain confined to themselves. Instead of looking at the problems of society, they are suffering from the grief of loneliness.

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Dr. Ved Pratap Vaidik

My full support to this Foundation. I have great love and admiration for Amir Khusro