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A Review of “What is The Reality of Ghazwa-E-Hind?

On Sunday, March 3, 2024, the Khusro Foundation released a unique book which unveils the dark secrets of propaganda that has been insidiously seeping into Indian society, “What is The Reality of Ghazwa-E-Hind?,  launched by eminent author and journalist, former minister of state for external affairs Mr. M. J. Akbar.
It is a book urgently needed for the signs of our times in the backdrop of the fatwa of Darul Uloom Deoband which propagates the Ghazwa-e-Hind apocalyptic prophecy which brings forth the view that Islamic forces will invade and conquer India before they overtake the world.
This fake prophecy has set grounds for panic not only in India but around the world, doing irreparable damage to Islam as a religion, spurring reactions and reactionary measures from others.




What a joy it is to introduce

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